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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Get Paid To Blog

Two new interesting services have announced recently that involve online product placement:

Payperpost is venture funded (DFJ) and now up to 3,000+ on Alexa (and climbing).

Blogsvertise is (I think) run by an SEO named Rob that I remember meeting at Webmasterworld about a year ago.

From an SEO perspective, there have been lots of link trading networks built-up and shut-down over the years. (More incoming links from good sites = better search engine rankings.) So in addition to getting product (or site) placement, one big reason advertisers participate in these networks is simply to get more quality links to their sites. The problem with pure link trading sites has always been a lack of quality and easy discoverability. Because blog posts in these new networks have to be editorially screened and approved, the quality should, in theory, be higher. Also, it's hard for a search engine (or even a human editor screening hundreds of thousands of blogs) to tell if a blog post is "real" or a product/site placement.

I love the idea of a marketplace for this sort of activity and the market makers (payperpost and blogsvertise) get a nice cut of the business.


Blogger trendyhot said...

payperpost is great you just need to have your blog established for 90 days. Use them both...thanks.

November 04, 2006 12:21 PM  

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