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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Looking For Angel Funding?

The process of raising $100K-$500K is a difficult and time consuming one. A few people can raise this kind of money from professional VCs. They already know the investors, have friends who know them, or have done several previous startups.

But what about the great entrepreneurs who are doing their first company?

What about entrepreneurs who are taking advantage of rentacoder, elance, adwords, SEO, blogs, wiki's, etc. to build exciting new businesses, but don't have the capital to pay the bills and work full time? Where do they come by enough money to take what they are doing nights and weekends and make that their full time job?

The bar is simply too high to raise money at the seed stage from most traditional venture investors. Naturally, they prefer to fund people they know and to be able to call customers, perform due diligence, meet the management team, etc.

But if an entrepreneur could get access to professional money through a relatively fast process, that would be interesting. So if you are an early stage entrepreneur putting together a Web 2.0 related business, I would love to hear from you. With your help perhaps I can convince my investor friends to make some very early stage Web 2.0 related investments.


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