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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Drupal Image Modules

Two more modules that should be installed by default but aren't (why not??!) are:

- image module
- img_assist module

These will allow uploading images easily. Download from, unzip, untar into your modules directory. Then go to administration, modules, check both of these. Then make sure permissions are set properly to allow users to use these modules.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way Drupal is implemented on versions 4.x makes each activated module to add quite a considerable memory overhead. In fact, it is very common that on most drupal installations, after activating a lot of modules, you will need to change the Memory Limit PHP setting. This will all change on the next major drupal version, but until then I believe drupal core coders are doing the right thing: they only activate and include a small set of drupal modules.

Also, some of those modules that drupal admins use were not developed by the drupal core coders team. This means, they are developed by third party coders. So in order to add those modules to drupal's core package, someone from the drupal team should look over those modules to see that they, amongst other set of requirements, are developed following drupal standards, do not harm by any means a drupal standard installation, and are thoroughly tested.

With tons and tons of drupal modules being developed, you can imagine that this is quite a task.

June 05, 2006 7:59 AM  
Blogger David said...

But seriously... any content management system should have image uploading built in!

June 05, 2006 8:42 PM  

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