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Monday, June 05, 2006

Drupal Ping Module

How can I tell if it's working? I know cron is working... but ping module does not seem to put out any messages in the log file to say that it worked. Any suggestions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

July 21, 2006 10:04 PM  
Blogger Ben Jones - Data Centre Design said...

We are looking to re-design our data centre design association website ( Our web agency has recommended that we have a content management system to include a user account registration, add new pages and to run our new data centre blog. The agency said that they would use "Drupal" to run the site and I was looking on sites that use Drupal and blogs to see what other people were saying about using this platform. As we have no programming skills (beyond using Microsoft Frontpage) I would really appreciate other peoples comments on how easy they found the system to use - thanks.

June 03, 2012 7:25 AM  
Anonymous Drupal Hosting said...

Picking your CMS is very important long-term I advocate Drupal. Because Seeing that the most well known companies like Cisco use Durpal, my mind was made up For Drupal hosting I went with Pantheon with features like Multidev What Content Management System do you like and why?

September 27, 2013 3:59 AM  

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